Archive for February, 2008

—>BODY ImAgE<—

W.A.N.N.A.B.E—> want. appeal. notion. numb. animosity. bleek. envy. That’s what Kayla and I decided to identify our coalition of what we are against, or cause (body image.) It might change later on but its the best that we can think of for now 🙂  We chose body image because it is a huge issue and we feel that we would have a lot of support. Its important to do something when people are undergoing anything, any drastic change to look a certain way, far from what they really look like. We are aiming purposely on teens and pre-teens mainly, but this issue is so controversal that it can be targeted at anyone, any age, any gender. Our Plan is too actually research how far people really go to change any type of physical feature on their body and some of the shocking truths of how things really end up. After researching enough, we will compose a touching yet truthful commercial on of these truths and make our audience aware of what they possibly are doing to their bodies, and how they can better themselves in other healthy ways! YAY!!! Our portion of the presentation will be pretty much only accessed on the internet anytime. We will contact the newspaper and school director to see if we can set fliers to advertise our commercial so the people we are targeting at will be interested in checking our document out. I will get into depth of way thats people are changing their bodies, while Kayla will be researching how these ways affect our health. Together, we will put a piece on how you can boost your self esteem in a benefical and healthy way and be an overall happy person with yourself 🙂

British Author: What’s been going on…

 As for taking up time this week, i have done major research of my author, Mary Wollestonecraft. I have been finding biographies of her to get a good understanding of how she grew up, which close people she grew up with, just the overall type of individual that she is. After, doing so much research about her i feel as if i know her…not exactly like a friend, but more of an aquaintance. Also, since i am working with a fabulous partner (KAYLA!) we are both reading different materials that she wrote. I have been struggling with a book called “The Vindication of the Rights of Women”. Its so hard to understand and break down but obligated I just read it. There are a few sections of the book that i can understand and totally relate to so i just pretend that the parts that i don’t understand are pretty reasonable, too. Other than just doing research on this project,  and find enough of her background, I am going to try to finish this novel and get ready for the presentation.

Do Something –> Body Image & Cancer

Yea…umm this is a huge deal!!!!! Everyone want the perfect body, even I do. People are always talking about goal on how to perfect their body image. I even catch myself wish to have “this” or look like “that”. We see celebrities and think of them sitting on any star in the galaxy that they choose. I think what is most important is your health. I’m talking about physical and mental health. Physical as in eating the right foods, watching what you consume, and not sit on a large sofa with junk food in front of you all day. When i mean mental, i mean, self esteem, to be happy with yourself, and better yourself for the right reasons. There are programs that go around just to help people find their true selves. pull out the best of them and learn to accept who they are. I would love to be apart of these services to help people and teach them what i had to teach myself! ❤ This is an important cause to me because i know almost everyone goes into drastic measures to change their body, even i struggle with it. It’s human. 🙂

Cancer. It’s all we here about. Everyone seems to be somehow affected with it and doctors are always striving for a cure. We need help. I’ve seen friends and family go through the worse times dealing with this problem. I want to help. Donating any amount of money is a good first step.

Once again :(

N0thing seems to be going wrong with this project. I’ve had alot of time to research my britsh author so I am getting the feel of what kind of woman she is. I’m starting to realize she’s actually a big baby who is tired of just crying and wants to do something. Something inside of her just let out and she shows alot of agression in her writings. It’s kewl i guess to see her take action in her feelings, but I just don’t feel the same as she does and its still not that interesting. On with the project…..

1st Blogs are 1st Impressions

I am not a big fan of blogging so i’m not going to try my hardest but most definitely not going to try my least to make this interesting to me. I am doing a research project on a britsh author named Mary Wollestonecraft….it’s okay. This is something new to me so give me a break 😉

So far…..

Still working on my project….This girl–Mary Wollestonecraft. I have learned about her background and i figured out that it has alot to do with her writings and published books. Poor girl seems to have had a hard life. I’m struggling with getting into her books, though. They are so “old school”, and quite boring. Its hard to want to read it, i feel so obligated. I’m suprised that after a hardship with her father and husband that she would write an entire novel on women’s rights…It’s lyke, jez! must’ve been a big deal. I am hoping to find out what her friends and peers thought of her after all that she had done. Maybe after writing about her thougths, the people affected her by judging her. Guess we will see…..