British Author: What’s been going on…

 As for taking up time this week, i have done major research of my author, Mary Wollestonecraft. I have been finding biographies of her to get a good understanding of how she grew up, which close people she grew up with, just the overall type of individual that she is. After, doing so much research about her i feel as if i know her…not exactly like a friend, but more of an aquaintance. Also, since i am working with a fabulous partner (KAYLA!) we are both reading different materials that she wrote. I have been struggling with a book called “The Vindication of the Rights of Women”. Its so hard to understand and break down but obligated I just read it. There are a few sections of the book that i can understand and totally relate to so i just pretend that the parts that i don’t understand are pretty reasonable, too. Other than just doing research on this project,  and find enough of her background, I am going to try to finish this novel and get ready for the presentation.

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